
"Strike A Pose. Be Yourself. It's Your Best Look. Don't Forget Who Your Friends Are. Never Forget Yourself. Love With All Your Might. And Always Wear Your Best Smile Because Someone Loves You and Your Smile Lights Up Their World!" ~~Me.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Her World.

Pain. Her hands shaking, unable to stop the insisent shaking, unable to get enough breath. Shallow, small, unsatisfying breaths was all she was able to muster. Darkness closed in all around her, she feared the darkness. Not because of what learked in the physical darkness but because once the darkness closed in her dreams would come, dreams of them. The two of them on better time with one another, when they were all each other needed, when he was her oxygen, when he was keeping her world and all its stars in orbit, when she smile it was a real smile and when she felt like, even through the winter the sun was shinning on them, warming them, keeping them strong. Until one day, he sat her down and told her she wasn't what he wanted anymore, he had found someone else, he didn't want to lead her on anymore but he loved another. She lay there, alone in bed, in the dark, longing to have him next to her to comfort her to tell her everything was going to be okay, to hear those words she lived to hear: "I will always love you". She thought of those words and it brought a smile to her face, it made her think of all the love she had experienced, enjoyed and breathed in while he kept her world spinning. As she lay there thinking of those time the darkness was winning, closing in getting stronger and stronger, seducing her eyelids to flutter shut and give into her dreams. Just was she was falling into her dreams, she gave in, wanting to see them, wanting to relive them and act like nothing had happened, nothing had changed and that everything was still amazing and she was in one long bad dream she couldn't wake up from. The darkness laughing at her, rejoicing in the fact that it had won, it had sucked her in and there was no way for her to escape now. She knew the darkness had won, she knew that she had been weak and let it in, she had let the darkness take her over, in her mind she wanted it to win, she had wanted to see the dreams and she had wanted to relive everything in the vivid detail the darkness offered, but she finally gave herself over to the darkness, letting it win in a single tear, flowing slowly down her face as she fell into the ever enticing darkness.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AMAZING it's beautiful...I love all the imagery and personification