
"Strike A Pose. Be Yourself. It's Your Best Look. Don't Forget Who Your Friends Are. Never Forget Yourself. Love With All Your Might. And Always Wear Your Best Smile Because Someone Loves You and Your Smile Lights Up Their World!" ~~Me.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Fools Gold

Those days. Those days where it feels as though nothing is going to go right, everything gets on your nerves, you just feel horrible about yourself and well plain English? You are done with the bullshit. One thing happens, in the morning per say and you just hate every second of every hour for the next day or so. Totally awful. You hate it, you hate yourself, you hate everything around you, you hate everything and you don't know why. Just IZ. 
  Then there are those days when the weather is totally shitty, you've had a really bad past couple of days and you feel like being in this mood is never going to go away when all of a sudden BAM! You're mood is the best it's been in the longest time and you are loving it. Every single millisecond of it. You wake up and the sun is shining (whether it actually is or not) you are happy and smiling and just in a fabulous mood for no reason at all. You're in a Fools Gold mood. The definition of 'Fools Gold' is: something that you are very attracted to that you later find is not worth very much You aren't sure whether it's real or no, you aren't sure whether it will last or not but you are extremely happy about it and very very attracted to the current mood. 
  When those moods come don't question it. Go sit in the sun or dance in the rain. Sing at the top of your lungs, dance like no one is watching. Eat your favorite food, read a favorite book. Love on someone who isn't expecting it, just let them know how much you love them and desire them in your life. Sometimes it's necessary to be so damned happy that people worry about your sanity, it is a needed thing once and a while. 
 So when you are in a Fools Gold kind of mood, take complete advantage of it. Love it. Work it. Rage It. <3 font="">

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