
"Strike A Pose. Be Yourself. It's Your Best Look. Don't Forget Who Your Friends Are. Never Forget Yourself. Love With All Your Might. And Always Wear Your Best Smile Because Someone Loves You and Your Smile Lights Up Their World!" ~~Me.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Every Single Broken, Damaged Little Peice

He sees her laughing with her friends, and his heart melts. He wishes he had the courage to walk up to her and just lay it all out on the table and tell her how he felt. But he doesn't, instead he watches her walk away smiling and joking with her friends, as his stands alone. Day by day he sees her, wishing he had to the courage to ask her, but he doesn't, instead he watches some guy take part in a bet with his friends, that has everything to do with him 'claiming her'.
 Later that day, after school in the nearly empty hallways he sees her with him talking, she is smiling, and he is smooth talking, all the while his friends are standing off in the distance high-fiving one another and laughing, knowing their bet is going to come to pass soon. Some of going to win money because of her and some will loose some, but either way she'll be the victim in their vicious game.
 The next day he sees her with him, hand in hand, her smiling uncontrollably, him? Well, he is only parading her around near his friends, showing that he won the bet, and by the end of the week the bet would be finished. Watching it made his heart ache.
 The end of the week comes and just as his eyes promised he ended it, with his end of the bet finished, and her heart broken. Right before school, in front of his friends he breaks her heart, not caring who is watching, only that he keeps his status as the ultra cool guy his friends make him out to be, but secretly no one can stand. As she walks away trying to hold back tears he finally gets up the courage, finally knows what he has been waiting for this entire time. Not someone to take advantage of but someone to rescue, he wanted to be her rescuer, and this would be his time.
 He walks up to Mr. Cool and tells him exactly what he thinks of him and his joke, his entire crowd, and what he can do with his bet next time he thinks of one. What does this earn him? It earns him a black eye, bloody nose, and living hell for the rest of his highschool career; but as he is walking away with his bleeding nose, swollen eye, and smile what else does he realize as he and courage walk away with her? He realizes he wins the affections he was never able to express, he wins his girl. And he wins and aims to fix every single, broken, damaged little peice of her heart.

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