Waking up every morning to continue your routine: Get up, breathe in breathe out, get dressed, tie shoes, put on make-up, fix hair, grab back pack, go over everything you need, suddenly remember what you forgot. You forgot your mask.
Once out in the day, your walking through the halls, smiling at passersby, forgetting the person you left at home. Slowly forgetting that with every forced smile, every pretend hug, and every fake laugh, the person you really are is saying goodbye little by little, trying to force its way out by being too weak to succeed, and you've won once again. You breathe a sigh of victory, one more day when you've continued being who everyone else expects, wants, and knows you to be. The school bell rings, and you smile bright, a meaningful smile because the bell means one more day done, one more illusion done. Your feelings tired and wishing things could be more simple.
Waking up day after day continuing your routine: Get up, breathe in breathe out, get dressed, tie shoes, put on make-up, fix hair, grab back pack, go over everything, you remember yet again, your mask. Your slowly cracking, fading, breaking mask.
Getting to school, walking through that halls, smiling a fewer passersby. Against your will remembering the person who you left at home, the person you are longing to be back home with, hoping to bring some warmth into your body and not feel so alone in this crowd of people. *Smile, wave, hug, move on* you keep saying to yourself, but your smile is fading, you forget to wave, you need the hug in stead of being the one to give you a hug and you only wish you could move on.
You get home, and you look at your mask as you place it on your shelf, you begin to worry. It's fading, and cracking, and You are beginning to break through. The quiet, shy, un-confident person you are. The person is on the hunt for the perfect horror movie, who loves the weekends of cheesy Sci-fi movies with her favorite people, who can put on your iPod and go through every single genre in the world in less then twenty minutes, the mask hides, that you really do care what people say and it hits you and stays there and that what people say doesn't really roll off your back it stays put. The you that laughs about the stupidest things and cries overbooks. You realized that you is beginning to break through.
The only though running around your mind is "Once my mask breaks, Will anyone notice that I am finally...Breaking Through?"
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