Always there, always strong for friends, always caring for them. Always, always, always. Constantly wanting others to be happy, trying and failing to hide her emotions, wearing her heart on her sleeve. Day by day becoming hard to hide them. Cracking.
She finds a cracks and she seals it, she closes it up so it the emotions can't get out they can't be shown to others, to the important ones she shares some and hides others. More and more they are starting to seep through. Cracking. The cracks becoming bigger, unable to hide it, unable to cap that emotion, unable to keep them under control.
More and more wild, emotions varying more, ups and downs that would make the strongest of storms run. One moment on top of the world and the next falling through empty space never knowing when shes going to be able to stop. Cracks.
Her friends, she thinks of her friends as she sits crying, sits alone in the dark willing herself to stop crying, begging herself to get it under control. How can she be doing this? How can these emotions be running her? How will she be there with her friends, the one they go to when they need a hug or to talk,to smile to recover from heart break to plan their next move. The one they expect to be strong for them, how are they suppose to depend on her when she can't seal the gaps, fix the bruises and hurts, filling the cracks. How can her friends depend on her when she's the one who is at her weakest unknowing what to do, not knowing where to turn who to go to, what to say other than to break. To finally let the cracks break and all the emotions out, flowing at once. Sobbing out, every single emotion running through the cracks that she was unable to keep closed. The cracks she failed to heal the ones she couldn't close together.
Then once again she found something new, a new fill something she was able to keep the cracks closed with and she's strong again she's able to help she's herself once again and no one will know about the moment of weakness, no one will guess that she was unable to control her emotions and no one will ever know that she isn't as strong as she lets everyone believe she is. But everyone once in a while it happens again and they begin to break and then everything ends. And she Cracks.